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Going Back to School Sustainably

back to school chalk board

Aug 15, 2024

It’s hard to believe that it’s already time for our students and teachers to be heading back to school. This can be a stressful (and expensive) time for families and students, but you can get the school year off to a great start by following some of the sustainability tips below that are not only environmentally conscience but also budget friendly.

  • Reduce Carbon Emissions

Try walking to school if you’re able, or carpool with friends to reduce both traffic and emissions.

  • Reduce Material Waste

Reuse last year’s backpack or donate the used one so that it can continue to be useful and stay out of the landfill.

  • Reduce Packaging Waste

Buy school supplies in bulk with other families to save money and reduce packaging waste.

  • Free and Low-Cost School Supplies are Available

If your family is working with a limited back to school budget this year, you can still find school supplies. Some stores offer discounts for teachers, and many local groups distribute school supplies to students for free. (Click Here to Learn More)

  • Free School Clothes

If your student has outgrown last year’s clothes, consider donating them to another family or to a local second-hand store. It keeps clothes out of the landfill and helps other families. If a student you know needs some extra help with their school wardrobe this school year, Charity Newsies can help. (Click Here to Learn More)

  • Sustainability Resources for Students and Schools

SWACO also has lots of resources for students and schools online. Click Below to learn about grants for schools, landfill tours for student groups, educational games and at-home activities centered around sustainability, and much more. (Click Here to Learn More)

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