Recycle Right

Keeping our environment healthy, safe and clean.

By taking just a few minutes to recycle right, you help to reduce pollution, contribute to clean water, conserve limited natural resources and reduce central Ohio’s reliance on landfills.

Healthier Air
Recycling materials avoids the pollution of extracting, transporting and processing raw materials. This leads to reduced emissions and cleaner air.
Conserves Landfill Space
Recycling extends the life of the Franklin Country Landfill and slows the need for costly construction of new landfill space.
Less Wildlife Habitat Destruction
Making products from recycled material reduces the impact on nature caused by creating goods from virgin materials.
Reduced Energy Consumption
Recycling doesn’t just conserve natural resources like timber and materials, it also reduces the energy required to extract and create those goods. In fact, 95% less energy is used to create an aluminum can from recycled content.
Start Recycling Right today

Helping the environment is only the beginning. Recycling keeps our economy strong too.

Seventy-six percent of all the material that comes to the Franklin County Sanitary Landfill could have been diverted through recycling or composting. That material also has value. When you take the time to recycle right, you help to protect the environment and reduce your reliance on the landfill. The benefits of those efforts will extend far beyond protecting our air, waterways and natural resources.

In fact, recycling also:

Supports more than 370 businesses in Central Ohio.

Creates 5,000 jobs in Central Ohio.

$1.3 billion

Generates $1.3 billion in annual revenue for the local economy.

Extends the life of landfills and slows the need for costly construction of new landfill space.

Circular Ohio

Recycling is a responsibility each of us shares in on behalf of future generations.

With our population projected to grow by 1 million over the next three decades, we will be faced with figuring out what to do with twice the amount of waste we’re creating today as a community.

SWACO wants to help.

SWACO has established a goal of helping Franklin County residents and businesses divert 75% of our waste away from the landfill by 2032. We know that residents and businesses want to do their part. According to our public opinion poll:

  • 92% of residents agree that recycling reflects well on our community.
  • 87% report recycling as convenient and easy.
  • 80% of residents report being motivated to recycle more because of the environmental benefit.

We’re in this together.

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Tips & Resources

Find tips & resources to help you recycle right and make a difference.

Spread love: Give these low waste swaps a try for Valentine’s Day

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SWACO Encourages Residents to Recycle their Pizza Boxes this Super Bowl Sunday and Beyond

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Recycling String Lights and Other Electronic Waste Is a Bright Idea during Holidays or Any Time of the Year

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Recycle Your Political Yard Signs After the Election

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Have a question about what’s accepted or not accepted for recycling in Franklin County? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to do with all your other unwanted items

Our Recycling and Reuse Search Tool connects you with hundreds of locations to find the best place to donate, recycle, compost or safely dispose of a wide range of items.

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