An important part of recycling is understanding what items can and can’t be recycled. Complete our Recycle Right quiz to test your knowledge on proper recycling practices and share your results with your friends.
Are plastic bags and stretch plastic films accepted for recycling?
While you can’t toss plastic bags and other film in your home recycling cart, many grocery stores collect clean, dry bags and films for recycling. Look for a drop-off bin located in the store’s entry. Reduce your use of plastic bags by bringing reusable bags to the grocery store.
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The correct answer is Yes. While you can’t toss plastic bags and other film in your home recycling cart, many grocery stores collect clean, dry bags and films for recycling. Look for a drop-off bin located in the store’s entry. Reduce your use of plastic bags by bringing reusable bags to the grocery store.
Next question Start overIt is OK to put recyclables inside clear plastic bags.
Great job! Recyclables should be loose in your recycling cart or SWACO drop-off location. Current equipment used at the sorting facilities cannot properly process bagged recyclables.
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The correct answer is False. Recyclables should be loose in your recycling cart or SWACO drop-off location. Current equipment used at the sorting facilities cannot properly process bagged recyclables. Try another question!
Next question Start overGreasy pizza boxes are accepted for recycling.
Impressive! Greasy pizza boxes are OK in the recycling cart as long as you don’t leave any pizza behind. Gone are the days of tearing off the top clean lid for recycling and throwing away the bottom greasy part.
Next question Start overGreasy pizza boxes used to not be accepted for recycling, but technology in recycling continues to improve! Now you can enjoy your favorite pizza spot and recycle the whole box afterwards!
Next question Start overDamaged hoses, chains and clothes belong in the trash bin.
Nice job! Tanglers such as hoses, chains and clothes can wrap around equipment and shut down the entire sorting facility. Consider donating these items if they are still in good condition.
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Tanglers such as hoses, chains and clothes wrap around equipment and can shut down the entire recycling facility. Consider donating these items if they are still in good condition.
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Which types of cartons are recyclable?
Nice job! All of these types of cartons can be recycled in Franklin County curbside and drop-off programs. Both “gable-top” cartons like a milk carton and “paperboard” cartons like a juice box can be recycled. In addition to milk cartons and juice boxes, other examples include broth, soup and stock containers, and non-food item containers like fabric softener. Please rinse and remove the lids.
Next question Start overIn fact, ALL of these types of cartons can be recycled in Franklin County curbside and drop-off programs. Both “gable-top” cartons like a milk carton and “paperboard” cartons like a juice box can be recycled. In addition to milk cartons and juice boxes, other examples include broth, soup and stock containers, and non-food item containers like fabric softener. Please rinse and remove the lids.
Next question Start overHow much trash does the average Franklin County resident throw away a day?
Nice job! On average, every resident throws away between 4 – 5 pounds of material each day, or about 1,500 pounds a year! Combining all the residents of Franklin County, that equals over a million TONS of material that is disposed in the Franklin County Landfill each year, most of which could have been recycled or composted!
Next question Start overThe correct answer is 5 Pounds. On average, every resident throws away between 4 – 5 pounds of material each day, or about 1,500 pounds a year! Combining all the residents of Franklin County, that equals over a million TONS of material that is disposed in the Franklin County Landfill each year, most of which could have been recycled or composted!
Next question Start overPlastic clamshell/berry containers are recyclable?
That’s Right! Clear plastic clamshells are one of the newest items added to Franklin County’s acceptable materials list. The new recycling facility owned and operated by Rumpke has the technology to sort plastic clamshells from other PET, #1 resin materials such as plastic bottles. These plastics must be separated into two different bales before they are shipped to end users to become new containers. Clear plastic clamshells must be empty, clean and dry before being recycled. This includes clamshells such as hinged containers for fruit, berries, produce, deli, salad, bakery, eggs and some carry-out food containers that are all clear.
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False. Prior to November 2024, clear clamshell containers were not accepted in Franklin County’s recycling program due to the recycling processor, Rumpke not having a good way to sort the material at the recycling facility or enough stable end users to purchase clamshells to make into new products. Since Rumpke opened its new recycling facility in 2024, they invested in the technology and AI to sort clamshells from other PET plastics and secured stable buyers for these materials. Clear plastic clamshells must be empty, clean and dry before being recycled. This includes clamshells such as hinged containers for fruit, berries, produce, deli, salad, bakery, eggs and some carry-out food containers that are all clear.
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Fill in the blank: Recycling ______________.
How did you know? It’s all true – recycling has many benefits for our community. Most people realize that there are numerous environmental benefits to recycling, including conserving our natural resources and extending the life of the landfill. But many people don’t realize that recycling is also good for the economy. Recycling creates more jobs than landfilling and helps to support thousands of jobs in the central Ohio region!
Next question Start overThe correct answer is All of the Above. Should we have given you a hint? It’s all true – recycling has many benefits for our community. Most people realize that there are numerous environmental benefits to recycling, including conserving our natural resources and extending the life of the landfill. But many people don’t realize that recycling is also good for the economy. Recycling creates more jobs than landfilling and helps to support thousands of jobs in the central Ohio region!
Next question Start overBatteries are accepted in curbside and SWACO drop-off locations.
Nice! Batteries should never be placed in our curbside recycling carts or taken to a SWACO drop off location. Batteries can start fires at the recycling facility causing a safety hazard for the workers. Please make sure to take your batteries to SWACO’s permanent household hazardous waste disposal location.
Next question Start overBatteries should never be placed in our curbside recycling carts or taken to a SWACO drop off location. Batteries can start fires at the recycling facility causing a safety hazard for the workers. Please make sure to take your batteries to SWACO’s permanent household hazardous waste disposal location.
Next question Start overIf a plastic item has the recycling arrows and number on it, you can recycle it curbside.
That’s right! The recycling number does not matter. When it comes to curbside and drop-off recycling, the recycling “number” on the bottom indicates the type of plastic resin the item is made from. In Franklin County curbside and drop-off programs, only plastic bottles, plastic clear clamshell containers, tubs and cups are accepted. Plastic cups with lids and bottles with caps are accepted. Remember to rinse containers before placing them in the bin.
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The recycling number does not matter. When it comes to curbside and drop-off recycling, the recycling “number” on the bottom indicates the type of plastic resin the item is made from. In Franklin County curbside and drop-off programs, only plastic bottles, clear plastic clamshell containers, jugs, tubs and cups are accepted. Plastic cups with lids and bottles with caps are accepted. Remember to rinse containers before placing them in the bin.
See results Start overNice work! Individuals scoring a 6 or higher on the quiz know what it takes to Recycle Right.
Learn about what’s recyclable, why, and how to Recycle Right. Learn how!
Recycling contributes to the Ohio economy in surprising ways. Find out more about the economic impact!
How much do you know about recycling? Test your knowledge and share your results with friends!
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